e-Publishing and Public Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities

A free seminar presented by the State Library Users’ Organisation

in association with the State Library of Victoria

Conference Rooms, State Library of Victoria (entry 3, 179 Latrobe St)

Saturday 23 May 2015 12:45 pm – 5:00 pm

12.45 pm Registration

This seminar continues the discussion about the changing role of public libraries in the digital age and will be looking at how electronic publishing affects access to publications.

Traditionally, under Legal Deposit legislation, State and National Libraries endeavoured to maintain a copy of all material published within their jurisdiction, whether books, journals or magazines – and later CDs and DVDs. These were catalogued, stored and available to all library users.

Electronic publishing has changed all this in a variety of ways:

  • Individuals can 'publish' their own eBooks and bypass legal deposit
  • If a library purchases an e-Book there may be restrictions on allowing access to it
  • Journals published electronically become the 'property' of large commercial organisations who on-sell the rights and have no legal obligation to maintain copies of material they no longer see as being of commercial value.

The seminar will ask the questions:

  • What does legal deposit mean in the digital age?
  • What is the role of aggregated e-publishing such as Informit and Cengage?
  • How 'open' is Open Access?
  • What does all this mean for e-Book authors and publishers?
  • What is the State Library of Victoria's current and planned responses to these issues?

The afternoon will be a conversation between authors and researchers and experts in e-publishing from the State Library of Victoria (SLV) and from universities. There will be ample time for audience involvement.

Presenters and panellists: Chris Butler (Manager Collection Resources SLV); Paul Mercieca (Lecturer in Information Management and Digital Publishing RMIT); Peter McMahon (Director Digital Strategy SLV); Lisa Peddey (Continuing Resources Team Leader SLV); Jo Ritale (Manager Collection Development & Discovery SLV); Sarah Slade (Manager Storage & Digital Collection Services SLV).

A detailed program (PDF) is available here.


This seminar is free but for organising purposes an RSVP by Monday 18 May is essential.

Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your help in promoting this seminar to your networks will be very much appreciated.

The seminar is a follow-up to the one held last year on preserving and accessing digitised material.